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CPR for cardiac arrest
CPR for cardiac arrest

Emergency First Aid at Work Training

BOOK on our Upcoming courses 

  • Duration – 8 hours
  • Time: 10am – 5.30pm
  • Cost – £95+VAT per person
  • Courses run every month
  • Location:  Cardiff Business Park and  Caerphilly Business Park

Injuries and Illnesses happen in the workplace every day. It doesn’t matter whether this is caused by the work you do, but it is vitally important that immediate attention is given and in serious cases that emergency services are called promptly.

As a workplace First Aider you should be confident in your abilities to assist a casualty with illnesses and common injuries. You should also be aware of injuries and illnesses that might be specific to your workplace.

Emergency First Aid at Work or EFAW is a 1 day course designed to give you the skills and confidence to become an effective responder at work.

Keeping you safe while training:

Qualifying as a First Aider in the workplace, you’ll learn about:

  • First aid regulations
  • Record keeping and reporting
  • First aid kit selection
  • The duties of a First Aider
  • Employee and employer health and safety responsibility
  • Helping Others in Need
  • Emotional Aspects of Being an Emergency Responder
  • Keeping Your Skills Refreshed
  • Leading a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Recognising Life-Threatening Problems
  • Moving and Transporting Casualties

Specific first aid skills that you will study and practice:

  • Scene Assessment
  • Use of Barriers
  • Primary Assessment of a casualty
  • How to perform Chest Compressions
  • Combining Chest Compressions With Rescue Breathing
  • How to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
  • Dealing with Serious Bleeding
  • Dealing with Shock
  • Dealing with Spinal Injuries
  • Helping a Conscious Choking Adult

Secondary care skills you will also practice:

  • Injury Assessment
  • Illness Assessment
  • Bandaging
  • Splinting for Dislocations and Fractures

Trained First Aiders are recommended to attend annual refresher training but must renew their certification at least every 3 years.

This instructor led first aid course runs for up to 8 hours. Students are provided with a high quality participant manual and receive assessment throughout the day before being awarded certification. Emergency First Response is an international organisation providing providing training certificate using the same priority of care as medical professionals.

Why choose Emergency First Response First Aid at Work?

Certified First Aid training with Four Minutes
Certified first Aid training with Four Minutes

The Emergency First Response (EFR) Emergency First Aid at work course follows the latest 2015 CPR guidelines listed in the European Resuscitation Guidelines updated every 5 years.

Are there any prerequisites?

  • No prior first aid qualification required
  • No minimum age limit
  • It takes approximately 8 hours depending on prior knowledge and size of group
  • Participant Pack and training materials are included in the course price
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